Opening Nefertiti Restaurant
Nefertiti Restaurant

0 Cottonwood Park

$49 2.8 (9 reviews)
Opening Bamboo House
Bamboo House

91 Oakridge Road

$59 2.9 (9 reviews)
Always Open Steak ‘n Shake
Steak ‘n Shake

53 Manitowish Junction

$69 4.1 (9 reviews)
Opening The Bean Counter
The Bean Counter

8415 Dayton Circle

$39 3.3 (9 reviews)
Opening The City Of Brunch
The City Of Brunch

4696 Stoughton Court

$39 2.6 (9 reviews)
Opening Olives & Figs
Olives & Figs

65 6th Hill

$69 2.9 (9 reviews)
Closed Rockin’ and Ramen
Rockin’ and Ramen

0678 Gale Pass

$69 2.4 (9 reviews)
Always Open Bangkok Belly
Bangkok Belly

59382 Becker Junction

$59 3.9 (9 reviews)
Coming Soon Pegasus Taverna
Pegasus Taverna

9 Wayridge Alley

$59 2 (8 reviews)
Coming Soon Brim Full of Boba
Brim Full of Boba

67822 Susan Drive

$39 2.9 (8 reviews)
Coming Soon Remy’s Ratatouille Bistro
Remy’s Ratatouille Bistro

632 Maywood Center

$39 2.9 (8 reviews)
Opening The A.M. Chow
The A.M. Chow

39992 Merchant Drive

$69 2.6 (8 reviews)