Opening Coffee Maniac
Coffee Maniac

5 Tennyson Pass

$69 3.3 (10 reviews)
Closed Mellow Mushroom
Mellow Mushroom

52528 Elgar Drive

$49 2.1 (10 reviews)
Opening Chops and Hops
Chops and Hops

076 Melody Trail

$69 3.1 (10 reviews)
Coming Soon Chinese Culinary Graduate
Chinese Culinary Graduate

2490 Paget Park

$59 2.1 (10 reviews)
Closed The Saucy Meatball
The Saucy Meatball

799 Donald Circle

$59 2.2 (10 reviews)
Opening Be Our Guest Cafe
Be Our Guest Cafe

3 Dryden Hill

$59 3 (10 reviews)
Opening Espresso Yourself
Espresso Yourself

2924 Mallard Crossing

$49 3.6 (10 reviews)
Closed Slice of Spice
Slice of Spice

418 Waxwing Street

$39 3.1 (10 reviews)
Closed The French Onion
The French Onion

69375 Gerald Point

$59 3 (10 reviews)
Closed The Sweet Pop
The Sweet Pop

00014 Pankratz Center

$49 2.6 (10 reviews)
Closed Brunch Babes
Brunch Babes

9 Heffernan Way

$59 3.1 (10 reviews)
Closed Sesame World
Sesame World

99969 Gateway Pass

$69 3.3 (12 reviews)